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2024-06-06 09:41:17
《生化危机8》蒂米斯特雷库女儿背景是什么 蒂米斯特雷库女儿背景介绍
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(机翻)贝拉·迪米特雷斯库(Bela Dimitrescu)是迪米特雷斯库城堡(Castle Dimitrescu)的一名突变人类居民,已感染或天生患有病毒性疾病。她和阿尔西娜·迪米特雷斯库(Alcina Dimitrescu)以及另外两个被她称为“姐妹”的变种人一起住在城堡里,分别是丹妮拉(Daniela)和卡桑德拉(Cassandra)。贝拉(Bela)是大女儿,据悉她很安静,肩膀上结实。
(原文)Bela Dimitrescu was a mutant human resident to Castle Dimitrescu, infected or born with a viral disease. She lived in the castle with Alcina Dimitrescu and two other mutants whom she regarded as "sisters", named Daniela and Cassandra. Bela was the oldest daughter and she was noted to be quiet and has a strong head on her shoulders.
出生日期:1950 年之前
卡桑德拉·迪米特雷斯库(Cassandra Dimitrescu)是迪米特雷斯库城堡(Castle Dimitrescu)的突变人类居民,已感染或天生患有病毒性疾病。她和阿尔西娜·迪米特雷斯库(Alcina Dimitrescu)以及另外两个被她称为“姐妹”的变种人一起生活在城堡中,她们分别是贝拉(Bela)和丹妮拉(Daniela)。卡桑德拉(Cassandra)是中间孩子,她是一位虐待狂,喜欢折磨和杀死受害者。
Cassandra Dimitrescu is a mutant human resident to Castle Dimitrescu, infected or born with a viral disease. She lived in the castle with Alcina Dimitrescu and two other mutants whom she regarded as "sisters", named Bela and Daniela. Cassandra is the middle child and she is noted to be a sadist who enjoys tormenting and killing her victims.
达妮埃拉·迪米特雷斯库(Daniela Dimitrescu)是迪米特雷斯库城堡(Castle Dimitrescu)的突变人类居民,已感染或天生患有病毒性疾病。她和阿尔西娜·迪米特雷斯库(Alcina Dimitrescu)以及另外两个被她称为“姐妹”的变种人一起住在城堡里,她们分别是贝拉(Bela)和卡桑德拉(Cassandra)。丹妮拉(Daniela)是最小的女儿,被认为是三人中最疯狂,最妄想的人之一。
Daniela Dimitrescu is a mutant human resident to Castle Dimitrescu, infected or born with a viral disease. She lived in the castle with Alcina Dimitrescu and two other mutants whom she regarded as "sisters", named Bela and Cassandra. Daniela is the youngest daughter and she is noted to be one of the craziest and most delusional of the three.
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